Vaccine Information
This page contains a summary of key information about the three commercial vaccines available for controlling BVD in New Zealand. All decisions regarding BVD vaccination programmes should be made in consultation with your herd health veterinarian. Please refer to the product label insert for the most up-to-date information about vaccine protocols, storage, and administration.
Bovilis BVD
Bovilis ® BVD manufactured by MSD Animal Health is an inactivated (killed) vaccine that is licensed for the active immunisation of cattle against Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) and, in cows and heifers, for protection against transplacental infection of the fetus with BVDV.
Active Ingredient: Cytopathogenic BVD virus strain C86
Dose: 2 mls given subcutaneously (under the skin) or intramuscularly (into the muscle)
Protocol: Two doses given 4 weeks to 6 months apart are required in the first year with an annual booster in subsequent years. Vaccination should be completed 4 weeks prior to the start of mating. Calves can be vaccinated from 4 months of age.
Duration of Fetal Protection: Label claim for fetal protection based on challenge studies. Six months after animals have received 2 doses. Twelve months after animals have received 3 or more doses.
Storage: Store at 2 to 8°C. Do not freeze. Unused vaccine must be discarded within 2 weeks of opening.
Adverse Reactions: A slight swelling may be observed at the site of vaccination for 1 to 2 weeks. Occasionally, transient mild pyrexia may also occur.
Pack Sizes: 10 dose, 25 dose, 50 dose
Witholding Periods: None
Website: https://www.msd-animal-health.co.nz/products/bovilis-bvd
Ultravac BVD
Ultravac ® BVD manufactured by Zoetis is an inactivated (killed) vaccine that is licensed for the active immunisation of cattle against Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) and protection against transplacental foetal infection and the birth of persistently infected calves.
Active Ingredient: Inactivated Bega and Trangie BVD Strains
Dose: 2 mls given subcutaneously (under the skin)
Protocol: Two doses given 4 weeks to 6 months apart are required in the first year with an annual booster in subsequent years. Vaccination should be completed 2 to 4 weeks prior to the start of mating. Calves can be vaccinated from 3 months of age.
Duration of Fetal Protection: Label claim for fetal protection based on challenge studies. Duration unspecified.
Storage: Store between 2°C and 8°C (Refrigerate. Do not freeze). Protect from light. This product can be stored and used for up to 30 days after first opening.
Adverse Reactions: Some swelling may develop at the site of vaccination, which may last for several weeks before gradually subsiding. Following vaccination with this product, a transient febrile response in animals may be observed.
Pack Sizes: 50 dose, 125 dose
Witholding Periods: None
Hiprabovis-3 ® manufactured by Agilis is an inactivated (killed) vaccine that is licensed for protection against respiratory and reproductive conditions caused in cattle by Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR), Parainfluenza-3 (PI-3), and bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD).
Active Ingredient: Type 1a BVD strain
Dose: 3 mls given intramuscularly (into the muscle)
Protocol: Two doses given 4 weeks to 6 months apart are required in the first year with an annual booster in subsequent years. Vaccination should be completed 4 weeks prior to the start of mating. Calves can be vaccinated from 4 months of age.
Duration of Fetal Protection: No label claim for fetal protection
Storage: Store at 2°C-8°C. Shake before use. Unused vaccine should be discarded within 10 hours of opening.
Adverse Reactions: Some swelling may develop at the site of vaccination, which may last for several weeks before gradually subsiding. Following vaccination with this product, a transient febrile response in animals may be observed.
Pack Sizes: 5 dose, 30 dose, 80 dose
Witholding Periods: None
Website: http://www.agilis.nz/products/hiprabovis-3-bvd-vaccine/